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The Plotting Workshop
The Basics
Welcome to The Plotting Workshop
What Inspires You?
Three Acts and Eight Sequences
The Hero's Journey
A Little About Act 1
The Ordinary World
The Call to Adventure
Refusal of the Call
Meeting the Mentor
Crossing the Threshold
A Little About the Second Act
Tests, Allies, and Enemies
Approach to the Inmost Cave
The Ordeal
The Reward
A Little About Act 3
The Road Back
Return with the Elixir
30 Scenes
The Five Key Plot Points
30 Scenes (Act 1)
30 Scenes (Act 2)
30 Scenes (Act 3)
Plot Board
Making Your Plot Board
Scenes for Act 1
Scenes for Act 2
Scenes for Act 3
Write A Synopsis
30 Scenes (Act 2)
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